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In the event that our pupils cannot attend school on a daily basis, the following resources can be used to ensure that pupils do not fall behind in their learning.

Please read our Remote Learning Policy which outlines our remote learning offer. It can be viewed by following the link bellow.

Remote Learning policy

All teachers will be available to communicate with parents through Class Dojo. For Early Years, please make sure you log on each day so that your child doesn’t miss out on daily tasks set.

Please be aware that responses from teachers may not always be instant.

In Key stage 1 and 2 we will continue to communicate with parents using Dojo but work for children will  be set using Microsoft Teams. There will be a live collective worship each day. In the event of the school being unable to open. There will also be a live session with the teacher each afternoon.


Our Trust, BDAT, have a news page with information for parents:

The following is to some advice for parents on managing children through school closure from Save the Children


A number of companies have made home learning materials available to parents during the current situation. Please refer to our long term plans on our curriculum page to help you to chose the topics to cover. Teachers may also direct you to resources through Class Dojo.

Maths online learning


Children in years 1 – 6 can use ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ to help them to learn and increase their speed recall of times tables. They have their own log in from school. If they do not know their log in, please contact their teacher through ‘Class Dojo’ or email.


We use White Rose Maths as part of our teaching in school. They have produced home learning packs for you to use. Follow this link:

White Rose Maths



Maths and Science

The Royal Society has some great resources for maths and science learning. Including some fun science experiments from Brian Cox.


Reading online learning

Children in years 3-6 can continue to use accelerated reader. This allows them to read and answer questions about their reading. It will also help their teacher to keep track of how they are doing and to offer advice and support.

Accelerated Reader BookFinder Logo.png

We will send some books home with children. These must be returned to school. The accelerated reader book finder can be used to check the level of a book your child might like to read. All the children know which level book they should be using.

The following link will take you to a parent’s guide to accelerated reader.

AR parent guide

For this resource your child will need to login using a class code. Your child’s teacher has set up these classes:

Year 1: EDTY27AR

Year 2:

Year 3: GY30 GLI2

Year 4: S363RKVK

Year 5: CE9YI3VV

Year 6: V935KQTE

Some year groups to follow ASAP


Epic! - Books for Kids

For this resource your child will need to login using a class code. Your child’s teacher has set up these classes:

Year 1: wwv7351

Year 2: tmx6792

Year 3: aay8592

Year 4:  rgd0182

Year 5: let9633

Year 6:huz3829

Some year groups to follow ASAP

Storyline Online


Grammar and Spelling



Joe Wicks has offered to become “the nation’s PE teacher” following the closure of schools in the UK

On this youtube channel from 9am every morning you can have a follow along PE lesson at home!


General Sites

Teaching Resources, Primary Resources, Twinkl, Primary School Resources


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Episode 1