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Squid Games advice for parents



Always stay safe when you are online. Never give out your name, address or personal details to a stranger. 

The internet is just like the real world – nice people use the internet, but some nasty people do too.

It’s important that you are nice and kind when you use the computer to talk to people. Even if you can’t see someone, things you write might still upset them.

If anyone is nasty to you or makes you unhappy – you must tell a grown up so that they can help you and make the person stop.

Click on the link below to find out more about staying safe online.

If you are worried about bullying online, or anywhere else, you can always speak to any adult in school or at home, or you can speak to someone online at Childline. Follow the link below to get the Childline website.

OTHER USEFUL LINKS: CBBC Stay SafeHector’s World CartoonsKidsmart

Click on this image to access the CEOP website if you want to report a concern.



At Christ Church Academy, we take e-safety extremely seriously.  We believe that it is the right of all children to feel safe and secure when using technology.  We work with staff, pupils and parents/carers to value the use of new technologies in enhancing learning, encourage responsible use of ICT and follow agreed policies to minimise potential e-safety risk.

We discuss, monitor and review our e-safety policy on a regular basis, linking it with other relevant policies such as Safeguarding and Behaviour policies and our Anti- Bullying charter.  We support staff in the use of ICT as an essential tool for enhancing learning and the embedding of e-safety across the whole school curriculum.

We ensure that pupils are aware of the potential e-safety risks associated with the use of ICT and that pupils feel able and safe to report incidents and abide by the school’s E-Safety Policy.

The school has had age appropriate E-Safety training for pupils. We are soon going to be providing an e-safety session for parents led by our local police. This will build on the sessions led by the PCSO in each class recently.

You can find a copy of our e-safety policy in our list of policies.