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Welcome from the Pastoral team

At Christ Church Academy we have an ethos and philosophy that ensures all children get the support that is required to maximise their potential for success.We invest in the children’s social, emotional and academic development to ensure we harvest balanced children who can go on to contribute positively into society.

We have an approach that is multi systemic and supports all ages and abilities. Children can access the support that is needed when it is needed. We don’t not have a systematic process or hierarchy to pupils accessing support.

The various approaches named above have a detailed policy attached that is evidenced in either the SEN, inclusion or behaviour policy.

Provision Map

  • Learning Hub

To maximise the success of the current inclusion support team, promote inclusion in school, and develop an early intervention ethos matched to student need. Use a whole staff team approach (one voice) to ensure that the clarity of purpose and direction of inclusion is supportive, challenging and keeps the balance of academic, social and emotional progress.

By supporting all children and ensuring that we are not focusing solely on negative behaviour we will improve the teaching and learning outcomes in the school for all children.


  • Class based support/curriculum

To work under the direct instruction of the teacher, usually in the classroom with the teacher, to support access to learning for pupils and provide general support to the teacher in the management of pupils and the classroom. To take a lead in delivering allocated sessions.


  • Extra-curricular

We run lunch time activities each day. Additional coaching staff are brought in to ensure our children have access to quality specialist support that can develop them not only physically but also socially.  The sessions are designed to reinforce the key messages from in class. Also the TA’s supervise at lunch to ensure that consistency of approach is key and deliver engaging activities both inside and out.


  • Nurture Hub

Nurture Hub is designed to meet the needs of children displaying extreme social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and to cater for a responsive and or/crisis need when required. This is designed to complement the other interventions as part of the provision map and to ensure that children have access to on house acute support services and external assessment.

Children attend nurture groups but remain an active part of their main class group while spending appropriate times within the nurture group according to their need and typically return full time to their own class within two to four terms. Nurture groups assess learning and social and emotional needs and give whatever help is needed to remove the barriers to learning. There is great emphasis on language development and communication.


  • Parent/Family Support

Various multi agencies access school and the school community. Through targeted identification and joint agency working we are now able to assess and track the most vulnerable pupils and families and provide targeted support and interventions. This support and is bridging the gap between education and social care and responding to an ever changing need.


  • Referral System

The referral process to enable pupils to access the different support is managed by the SENCO and the pastoral team. It is anticipated that the Designated Safeguarding may also have involvement in this process.

A standard form will be completed by the class teacher and discussed by the pastoral team. From this a support plan will be put in place and the referral directed to the most appropriate and agreed upon intervention. Assessment will then take place and a programme identified with action points.

The support will be monitored, assessed and reviewed weekly, half termly and termly. The above provision map works in tandem with the behaviour, safeguarding and curriculum policies as well as other relevant school policies. The role of the SENCO is paramount in this process and in ensuring that the provision map is developed to meet the needs of the pupils on an ongoing basis.


  • Expectations

All of the above are intended to tie in with wider school improvement policies and reinforce expectations of both behaviour and learning.


If you would like to know more about the work of our pastoral team please do not hesitate to contact me.

Leanne Grimshaw
Assistant Head.