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At Christ Church Academy, we develop all children with a ‘can-do’ attitude towards maths as well as an appreciation of the beauty and interconnectivity of number. We foster growing levels of self-regulated learning to equip children with the skills they need to solve maths problems. We believe in challenging all pupils to succeed and push themselves to attain a deep and meaningful mathematical understanding. Attainment is not fixed – we can all achieve!


We aim that all pupils:

  • Will be successful mathematicians with a deep understanding of how number works and how it can be used.
  • Can solve problems by applying their knowledge and understanding of mathematics, with increasing degrees of sophistication, in a variety on contexts including real life situations, demonstrating the resilience needed to find a solution.
  • Can make reasoned responses by following lines of enquiry to show their understanding with justification, argument, generalisation and evidence using mathematical language.


To support this, we aim to develop teachers who ensure that:

  • Quality first teaching is carefully planned to match the ability and prior learning of both the class and specific children.
  • The concrete, pictorial, abstract model is our starting point for all learning.
  • Lessons include opportunities for children to discuss their learning and collaborate with talk partners.
  • Lessons promote an environment for children to be challenged and persevere when problem solving.
  • Lessons are interactive and fun where possible.
  • Lessons include the use of manipulatives in all year groups to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
  • Lessons address any misconceptions identified before, during or after.
  • Lessons include questions that explore the knowledge and understanding of the children.
  • Children are given the opportunity to grapple and “go deeper” in mathematical concepts.
  • Children are given time to explore, think and reflect.


For a breakdown in what we learn in each year group, please click these topics:

1 Progression Map Place Value

2 Progression Map Addition and Subtraction

3 Progression Map Multiplication and Division

4 Progression Map Fractions


For the mathematical vocabulary used in each year group, please click the links below:

Early years

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

At CCA we use White Rose Maths schemes of work to help us teach our Maths mastery approach. At home the more the children can access and practice this will help them retain all the knowledge facts they need to access their learning. Here are some websites you can use to help your child practice their maths skills: