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Schools are not required to publish exam and assessment results from 2019-2022

2023 Assessment Data


Year 1 Phonics Screen Proportion of children achieving the expected standard
School Result 74%
Bradford Result 77%
National Result 79%%


Proportion of children who did not achieve the expected standard in phonics in Year 1 who achieved it in year 2:


Working at or above the expected standard Working at Greater Depth
2023 School Results 2023 National Results 2023 School Results 2023 National Results
Reading 67% 68% 0% 12%
Writing 38% 60% 0% 8%
Maths 62% 70% 0 16%


Progress Measures from the end of KS1 to the end of KS2
Reading -4.22
Writing -0.76
Maths -5.54



Key Stage 2 attainment summary July 2023
Working at or above the expected standard Working at Greater Depth
2023 School Results 2023 National Results 2023 School Results 2023 National Results
Reading 56% 73% 7% 29%
Writing 70% 71% 4% 13%
Maths 59% 73% 4% 24%



Department for Education Performance Tables

Please click here to visit the Department for Education Performance Tables for our school.