Why Not Try School Dinners?
Our school kitchen provides all our of our pupils with the opportunity to have a hot, nutritious meal each lunch time at a very reasonable price. The meals are full of the goodness your child needs to help them grow and concentrate as they continue to learn each afternoon. They are already enjoyed by nearly half the school along with many of our staff.
Menus are changed half termly and run on a 3 week cycle. Children are offered a wide variety of dishes with 3 choices for the main course and 3 for the pudding. There is plenty for everyone to choose from.
Why not arrange to sample one of the meals and decide for yourself? Our school office would be happy to arrange this for you and our cook would be delighted to have your comments.
The dinners cost £1.95 a day or £9.75 a week. Dinners for Nursery children are £1.75. Payment should be made in advance via your ParentPay account.
If your child brings a packed lunch, we ask that they are full of healthy choices. Our school nurse would be happy to offer advice on what is appropriate to put into a packed lunch.
The school menu for Bradford schools can be found online at https://schoolmeals.bradford.gov.uk/