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Welcome to Year 6

Class teacher: Miss Clarke

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Clarke 

Miss Jaime Clarke – Year 6 teacher
Miss Deborah Clarke

We have a Big Question in each class. Our Big Question is;

How can individual people shape the world around them?

Over the year we will be discovering and researching a number of significant individuals who created change and movement in the world. This is following on from our learning last year where we studied how groups of people could make change.

Final year at CCA

 In Year 6 this year we have a team of adults to support the children through their final year of secondary school with Miss Clarke, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Parker in class.

Our class prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen

Autumn Term

English, Topic, Art, Science & RE

Our year begins with an in-depth study of Charles Darwin and how he shaped the world around him. We follow this question through many of our subjects- English, Reading, Science, Art and RE, as we delve into his life and works and discover how his investigations and theory changed our understanding about how we got here.

We then move on from Darwin’s journey and look deeper into the rainforest, when we begin our book ‘The Explorer.’ Here we will visit tropical world and begin to explore life in the rainforest.

Then we will create our own ‘How to survive in the rainforest’ set of instructions and create our own survival stories.


In maths we will be teaching a mastery style curriculum covering shape, place value, the four operations and fractions during the Autumn term.

Children will also have access to my maths and Timestables rockstars to aid their learning of key facts.

To help us learn, our knowledge organisers are:

Spring Term

English, Topic, Art, Science & RE

Continuing to address our big question ‘How can individual people shape the world around us?’ we continue to look into figures who have helped shape our knowledge of history.

We begin by looking into the discovery of Howard Carter, and look at how it shaped some of our understanding of the daily lives of Egyptians. We read extracts of news reports based on the events, learn facts about the tomb and discuss what we think should have happened with the discovery. From here, we create our own news reports of the event.

We then move onto ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. Here we learn about non-chronological reports and use information from the text to create our own lizards.

In Science, we look into the mechanisms of our circulatory systems and  how to keep our hearts, lungs and (consequently) bodies healthy. We perform exercise tests on our pulse rates, and link to our DT topic from last term to think about healthy eating.

We then look at the discovery of John Lloyd Stephens and what that taught us about the Mayans. This then leads the children to learn how to make their own chocolate!


We continue our mastery style curriculum in maths, consolidating key facts and moving into decimals, percentages and algebra.

To help us learn, our knowledge organisers for Autumn are: