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Welcome to Nursery

Nursery teachers: Miss Grimshaw
Teaching Assistant: Miss Latz

Miss Leanne Grimshaw – Assistant head
Miss Latz – Nursery TA

We have a Big Question in each class. Our Big Question is;

Why is it good to be me?

This year in Nursery the children will have access to explore various stimuli within the provision. Children will learn to share, create friendships and respect others and our classroom. We aim to give our children a sense of belonging, and encourage them to think about their own personal qualities and ultimately understand ‘Why is it good to be me?’.

Our Nursery is a calm, nurturing and engaging environment. It is filled with well-planned continuous provision opportunities through which children will explore and learn. This will support their development and ensure they have the skills to progress into Reception.

We offer 15 or 30 hour placements and run morning and afternoon sessions. Children can stay for a cooked lunch or bring their own lunchbox from home.

Sessions run 8.30-11.30 a.m and/or 12.15-3.15pm

We use the EYFS curriculum as a foundation to underpin the planning and provision in Nursery. We plan for groups and individuals using books as our focus. We know our community and children well and plan for activities which will motivate and engage them. Topic planners will be sent home each half term which explain what we are learning and how you can support your child with this at home.

We work in partnership with parents and encourage you to be involved with your child’s learning. Each child has a ‘learning journal’ book where we record the key learning of your child alongside the next steps needed. These are always available for parents to view and to contribute to. They will be evidence of the progress your child makes whilst at Nursery.

Our Nursery

Indoor Provision

Malleable materials area, Role play area, maths area, writing area, reading snug, building area, sand, water, small world area and much more.

Outdoor Provision

Mud kitchen, construction area, maths and writing areas, reading tent, bikes and scooters, interactive pirate ship, treehouse climbing frame.

We are fortunate to have a large outside space, banked by woodland. If we are lucky we can observe deer, foxes and all kinds of birds as they do like to come and visit.

Children have the opportunity to be indoors or outdoors throughout the day. Please ensure your child has a warm coat for the winter months and suitable footwear as we will be outside EVERY day no matter what the weather…

‘The cold doesn’t bother us anyway!’ (#Frozen!)

Oral Health

We are part of the dental hygiene program which means children at Nursery brush their teeth with us every day. Staff are trained in how to do this and it is completed with hygiene practices in place.

Other Information

  • Children are able to use the toilet when they need to, however, please ensure that you pack your child some spare clothes in a bag as accidents can happen. Children should mostly be toilet trained by the time they come to school but we are able to support you with this if your child is not quite at that stage.
  • On arrival to Nursery, your child will have a log slice with their name and picture on. This will match the name tag on your child’s peg. Each child has their own coat peg and tray for any belongings they bring to Nursery. Please encourage your child to find their own log and name tags as this encourages independence.
  • Snack! We have snack time each morning and afternoon in Nursery. This includes a variety of foods such as: cereal, crumpets, fruit, crunchy vegetables, sandwiches, and crackers. We do ask for a donation of £5 per half term to help us provide lots of different foods for children to try. We also do lots of baking which children love to eat and sometimes, if you are lucky, there is some left to bring home for parents.
  • From the start we encourage children to become independent learners, and therefore we believe it is important for them to wash their snack plates and cutlery up, and make their own snack at the table.


An example of our timetable:

  • 8.30-9am: Get Busy! Children use areas of provision inside the classroom. Whilst the adults work 1-1 or in small groups with some children developing specific skills.
  • 9am: Registration and carpet time. Children all sit on the carpet together. Often we share stories and songs at this time or practice phonics or counting.
  • 9.20am: Outdoor area opens and children can choose to get busy inside or out.
  • 10-10.30am: Rolling snack
  • 11am: Tidy up time
  • 11:10am: Story time on the carpet, the children all sit and enjoy a story together.
  • 11.30am: Home time and lunch time (In the hall)
  • 12.15pm: Welcome and get busy
  • 12.45pm: Registration and carpet time
  • 1.05pm: Outdoor area opens
  • 2pm: Snack time
  • 2.30pm: Tidy up time