Welcome to Year 1
Class teacher: Miss Martin
Teaching Assistant: Miss Millar
HLTA: Mrs. Smith

Miss Martin
Class Teacher

Miss Millar
Teaching Assistant

Mrs. Smith
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
We have a Big Question in each class. In Year 1 Our Big Question is;
Who am I, who can I be and how do I belong?
We answer these questions in our Topic and RE work.
Children will have an understanding of what the future can bring for them. They will learn about different roles that people have in life and think about what that role will be for them. They will build on prior knowledge and learn to be curious and ask questions in order to discover more about themselves. They will begin to find out what they are good at and what they enjoy and learn to use their skills to help them improve and progress.
Dear God,
Bless all the people who love me
And bless all the people I love
Help us to help one another each day
And make earth like Heaven above
Reading at Home
In Year 1, we send home a reading book or ditty sheets for the children to read.
In addition to this, children can choose a book from our class library to share with you at home.
We try to read with the children as much as possible in class, but we rely on parents and carers to read with their children at home at least three times a week.
The children read the books in their RWI lessons and once they have read it three times, we send it home for them to read with a grown-up. We also send home a bookbag book which is linked to their storybook so your child will be familiar with the words inside. This helps the children to be successful at reading. There is guidance for parents inside the books on how you can support your child with their reading at home.
Books should be brought into school every day.
The children in Year 1 have a 7-part daily Maths lesson from 10.45 – 11.45 which consists of:
- Counting – Whole class counting and down in a variety of ways
- Number of the Day – this will initially focus on forming numbers 1-10 correctly.
- Activate prior knowledge (What have we been working on – examples)
- New learning (Done with the children, not to them – Me / We / You etc.)
- Skill (Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract for their new skill)
- Fluency (Using their new skill in a variety of contexts)
- Reasoning (Explaining concepts and understanding involving their new skill)
All children will have access to the same questions, the same resources, and the same support. Different children will require different levels of scaffolds and be able to achieve more or less than other children in each lesson. They decide for themselves (with occasional direction from the teacher) what they need to help them with that lesson and have free access to this.
We use the White Rose Maths scheme of work as a basis for our planning and adapt it to suit the needs of the children in the class.

Please see below for knowledge organisers for the Autumn Term. These contain a summary of key facts and essential knowledge your child will need to know.
Place Value Knowledge Organiser
For English, we use Read Write Inc. is a popular phonics scheme. Like all phonics schemes, it teaches children the sounds in English, the letters that represent them, and how to form the letters when writing. Read Write Inc. Phonics includes reading books written using only the letters they have learnt at each level (and a small number of separately taught tricky words). The children will quickly feel confident and successful.
There are lots of free Read Write Inc. Phonics resources to help your child, including eBooks, practice sheets and parent films. We suggest you start by watching this film for parents: What is Read Write Inc. Phonics?
Religious Education
As a Christian school our syllabus follows the ‘Understanding Christianity Approach’ from the Church of England. In RE lessons in Year 1 this year we will cover the following topics. Please click on the topics for the corresponding knowledge organiser.
Topic | |
Autumn 1 | What do Christians believe God is like? |
Autumn 2 | Why does Christmas matter to Christians? |
Spring 1 | Who am I? What does it mean to belong? |
Spring 2 | Why does Easter matter to Christians? |
Summer 1 | Who is a Muslim and what do they believe? |
Summer 2 | What is the good news that Christians say Jesus brings? |
Children will have an understanding of what the future can bring for them. They will learn about different roles that people have in life and think about what that role will be for them. They will build on prior knowledge and learn to be curious and ask questions in order to discover more about themselves. They will begin to find out what they are good at and what they enjoy and learn to use their skills to help them improve and progress.
Our Key themes/questions for the year are:
- Autumn 1 – What makes me special?
- Autumn 2 – How can I understand the world around me?
- Spring 1 – How do I belong?
- Spring 2 – What is an explorer?
- Summer 1 – What seasonal changes do I see?
- Summer 2 – How can I look after my world?
History/Geography | Science | PSHE | Art/DT | PE | Music | Computing | |
Autumn 1 | What makes me special? | The Human Body | Family and Relationships | Picasso | Multiskills | Intruoducing Beat | We are treasure hunters |
Autumn 2 | The Gunpowder Plot | Materials | Health and Wellbeing | Sock Puppets | Gymnastics | Adding Rhythm and Pitch | We are TV chefs |
Spring 1 | My Local Area and the Amazon Rainforest | Animals | Safety | Andy Goldsworthy | Net and Wall Games | Introducing Tempo and Dynamics | We are painters |
Spring 2 | Captain James Cook | Plants | Citizenship | Model Making | Archery | Combining pulse, rhythm and pitch | We are collectors |
Summer 1 | Maps and Seasonal Changes | Growing and Cooking | Economic Wellbeing | Chosen Artist | Athletics | Improvisation | We are storytellers |
Summer 2 | Weather and Climate | Caring for the Planet | Transition | Food Technology | Strike and Field | Explore sound and create a story | We are celebrating |