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Welcome to Year 5

Class teacher: Mrs Parker
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Haigh

Mrs. Parker
Class Teacher

Mrs. Haigh
Class Teacher

We have a Big Question in each class. Our Big Question is;

How can people come together to shape the world around them?

Children will have knowledge and awareness of how they are connected to the people around them and beyond. They will know how people across time, place and culture, have come together to create movements that have shaped the world. They will understand how they too, can be part of the process of change in the world today. See more below >>>

Our classroom

We have tried to create a natural calm space for the children to learn, with displays clear and used by the children to show their learning journey throughout each unit of work. Children can use these walls as tools to help them within lessons, drawing on prior knowledge and worked examples to help scaffold their learning. 

Important notices for Year 5:

  • Guitar lessons – Tuesday
  • Swimming lessons –Thursday
  • PE day – Monday


Accelerated Reader

We use a program called accelerated reader which is developed to ensure children are reading at the correct level for them individually based on their performance in progress assessments. Every child in year 5 should have a book at their level to read each day.. Children can take mini tests on each book on the iPads in school to earn points and words to add to a total word count. 

Reading Skills

Every day we complete a reading skills lesson. Children will read in their heads, then in pairs and finally all together to help improve reading fluency. Children will then answer a range of questions on the text, helping to check their comprehension and understanding. 


We teach maths every day following the white rose maths hub planning for year 5. At the start of each lesson we give the children a ‘Quick 6’ challenge – six mixed questions to allow children to activate prior knowledge and train their long term memory. 

Children will then work on their fluency and reasoning skills, using a range of pictorial, abstract and concrete resources to help with their methods. 

Children also complete an arithmetic test/maths lesson each week on a Friday to help develop these skills 


In year 5 this year our key English texts will be:

Using these texts the children will explore a range of genres to create their own independent writing.
We also use the RWI Spelling program from Oxford Owl. This is completed each week and tested on a Friday.

Religious Education

As a Christian school our syllabus follows the ‘Understanding Christianity Approach’ from the Church of England.

In RE lessons in year 5 this year we will cover the following topics:

What will make our city/town/village a more respectful place
Incarnation – Was Jesus the messiah?
What does it mean for Muslims to follow God?
Salvation –  What did Jesus do to save human beings?
Gospel – What would Jesus do?
God – What does it mean if God is holy and loving?

RE knowledge organisers

History and Geography

How can people come together to shape the world around them?

Children will have knowledge and awareness of how they are connected to the people around them and beyond. They will know how people across time, place and culture, have come together to create movements that have shaped the world. They will understand how they too, can be part of the process of change in the world today.

Our Key questions for the year are: Click on the link to access the Knowledge Organiser to find out more.

Where in the world is Greece?

Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser

Where in the world is Greece?

Knowledge Organiser Autumn 1

Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser

How has ancient Greece helped to shape the modern Western World?
knowledge organiser Autumn 2

Spring Knowledge Organiser

How has the suffrage movement shaped our country since 1066?
Knowledge Organiser Spring term

Summer Knowledge Organiser

How is the movement for environmental change shaping our world?
How can we come together to shape our world?
knowledge organiser Summer term

Art and DT

The children complete a unit of Art and a unit of DT every term as part of their big question curriculum topic. We focus on two main artists in year 5:

Alberto Giacometti
In this unit of work we will be linking the style and art of sculpture to our history/Geography question ‘Where in the world is Greece?’ Within this we will compare Alberto’s style with that of ancient Greek sculptors.

Frida Kahlo
We learn about these key artists covering the skills of Painting, Drawing, Sculpture and printing.


Our computer lessons follow the teach computing online scheme. Children in Year 5 will learn how information is shared online, how to make videos and edit them, how to use databases and how to draw using drawing apps. 

Class Dojo

We use class dojo in year 5! The children will get a Dojo point every time they do something impressive at school.

We use Class Dojo in Year 5 and all our parents are connected via the app. This allows our families to be fully involved in everything that happens in Year 5. The children are proud of their achievements and want to share these with their families via the app.


Every Tuesday afternoon in Year 5, we have a guitar teacher who comes in to teach us how to play the guitar! We explore a range of musical skills such as reading sheet music, chords and composition.  We also use Charanga to supplement children’s knowledge and understanding of Key musical terms.