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01274 410349

Christ Church Primary Academy aims to serve its community by providing education of the highest quality. Christian values are at the heart of all we do.

We seek to help each child reach high levels of attainment and  achievement and have the highest life chances, respecting difference and offering equality of opportunity free from discrimination on grounds of race, sex, class or disability.

We believe in living Christian values;  loving and respecting each other. In this atmosphere children learn by example and grow morally, socially, emotionally and spiritually.

We live our vision through the CCA Way – Compassion, Community, Achievement. We use our curriculum and daily collective worship to teach our children 8 key values that are linked to 12 learning behaviors. These allow our community to flourish and our children to grow into individuals who ‘live life in all it’s fullness’. To see how our Christian values and learning behaviours are linked click the link below:

Christian Values and learning behaviours

Within the happy, safe and secure environment, Christ Church Academy provides a place where each child is nurtured in these qualities.

The school has strong links with Christchurch Local Ecumenical Partnership; a team of parishioners from local churches deliver our very popular Open The Book assemblies to bring bible stories to life.

If you would like a paper copy of our Mission Statement please contact the school office on 01274 410349.